Alina Oswald in the Spotlight: Writer. Photographer. Editor. Activist.

Alina Oswald in the Spotlight: Writer. Photographer. Editor. Activist.

Alina Oswald is a writer and photographer based in the New York City area. She is the Arts Editor of Out IN Jersey Magazine, and a member of the Undetectable flash collective. For the past twenty years, she has covered stories about the LGBTQ+ community, and HIV and AIDS.

Oswald and PromoHomo.TV® Producer and Host Nicholas Snow’s paths crossed when Oswald reviewed Snow’s living-powerfully-with-HIV memoir, Life Positive: A Journey to the Center of my Heart, for A&U, America’s AIDS Magazine.

A decade or so later, Snow turns the spotlight on Oswald and her award-winning, world-changing work…. a conversation long overdue.

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Creatives and those who love them are familiar with crowdfunding platforms used to offer perks to donors who support a film or television project. Similarly, to serve as the cornerstone for the long-term success of PromoHomo.TV®, Snow encourages viewers to donate in support of the free programming with a voluntary monthly subscription. He calls these donors the PromoHomo.TV® Superstars.

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About The Author

Nicholas Snow

Nicholas Snow, Producer/Host of PromoHomo.TV®, is “Connecting the Circuitry of Humanity” by "Creating Programming for LGBTQ+Everyone!”

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Alina Oswald in the Spotlight: Writer. Photographer. Editor. Activist.
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