Nicholas Snow is honored to welcome acclaimed and award-winning author Wyatt O. Evans to discuss his new, not-far-from-real-live SHATTERED!, which reveals provocative insight into Gay/SGL men of color, IPV/A, mental illness, childhood sexual abuse, bullying, and contentious father/son dynamics.

In his new novel, Evans intimately exposes the complexities experienced by two Gay/SGL (same gender loving) men of color as they navigate their relationship through turbulent waters in SHATTERED! The new novel is part three of his Nothing Can Tear Us Apart series and is available in digital and paperback now.

A gay man of color, Evans poignantly calls attention to racial and ethnic issues encountered by Wesley and Antonio, the main characters, as they navigate through riveting circumstances tied to their monogamous relationship. The author also depicts the reality of Intimate Partner Violence/Abuse (IPV/A), mental illness, childhood sexual abuse, bullying, and a highly contentious and volatile father/son relationship. Based on real-life events, this provocative, dramatic novel does more than provide a great read. SHATTERED! is more than an enthralling book—it is a call to action.

“Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (IPV/A) is such a critical—and potentially life-threatening—issue facing the LGBTQ+ community,” said author Wyatt O. Evans. “And, stigma is a driving force that keeps it ‘swept under the rug’; it’s the albatross around your neck choking the hell out of you. Therefore, IPV/A tends to be grossly under-reported. As a journalist, I’ve extensively researched and reported on this behavior and interviewed scores of victims and survivors. And I, myself, am a survivor.”

Wesley and Antonio have unique challenges to overcome while facing obstacles in any committed relationship.

“I believe the biggest misconception is that the LGBTQ+ community doesn’t have the same problems, issues, and challenges as the heterosexual community,” Evans said. “Regarding IPV/A between two gay/same-gender-loving (SGL) men, too many individuals don’t consider the abuse actual abuse. They think, “Oh, well! It’s just ‘boys being boys.'”

This multidimensional novel explores the reality that Gay/SGL men of color experience and that they are upwardly mobile. According to Evans, “One of the major reasons I write the Nothing Can Tear Us Apart series of novels is to present LGBTQ+ POC in a vibrant, nuanced, ‘real-life’ light if you will.”

A distinguished radio personality, journalist, IPV/A subject matter expert/advocate, and motivational speaker, Evans delves into personal experiences to bring the characters to life on the page. All-in-all, the author said he invested 13 months of research into the book and sought the counsel of a psychologist to ensure a proper representation of IPV/A, multiple personality disorder, childhood sexual abuse, bullying, and father/son dynamics.

“Any author worth his salt must present slices of real life to the reader,” stated Evans. “For example, I was bullied through junior high school. The message I send to bullied LGBTQ youth is that you are not alone. Also, and this is crucial: you must tell individuals you trust because they can help you. Silence is a bully’s most effective weapon.”

Beyond the heated captivation of SHATTERED!, Evans’s bottom line is more significant than an enthralling read.

“My wish is that SHATTERED! provides a window into the critical issues confronting the LGBTQ community, thereby creating opportunities to open an honest dialogue further,” he said. “That is what fosters positive change.”

About Wyatt O. Evans

Wyatt O. Evans arguably is the quintessential Renaissance man. Mr. Evans is an author, journalist, radio personality, Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (IPV/A) subject matter expert/advocate, voice-over artist/instructor, motivational speaker, and entrepreneur.

Wyatt is the author of the provocative and popular Nothing Can Tear Us Apart (NCTUA) series (gay/ethnic). NCTUA is the compelling and exciting saga of Wesley and Antonio, two masculine men of color who confront daunting struggles and obstacles which throw their monogamous relationship in dire jeopardy. FRENZY! is the current installment in the well-received series.

Evans is the founder, CEO, and President of Nair’BoUniversal, the publishing and production house that releases the NCTUA series. 

He holds Bachelor of Arts degrees in journalism and political science from George Washington University in Washington, D.C.

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