Dr. Costine is a licensed psychologist, relationship coach, consultant, author, educator, activist, and international speaker. She has a private practice in West Los Angeles and Woodland Hills and has been using Telehealth in her work for years. Currently working on her second book about Healing the Trauma of Growing Up in a Sexist World, she also has a podcast called The Consciousness Salon.
Dr. Lauren’s most recent passion is the therapy center she has opened up with her wife, Vanessa Costine, called Awaken Therapy Center, which takes a holistic and culturally competent approach to healing and consciousness raising.
A groundbreaking new series from PromoHomo.TV, “HIGHRPOWRD features ‘Stories of Experience, Strength and Hope, Infusing Infinite Views of Spirituality and Purpose.”
A key focus of HIGHRPOWRD is to “take recovery out of the closet,” giving people the opportunity to share their triumphant stories without identifying specific 12-step programs (in keeping with the traditions of those programs). Additionally, inspiring thought leaders from all walks of life are featured.
Lesbian Love Addiction: Understanding the Urge to Merge and How to Heal When Things go Wrong
Everyone makes mistakes in relationships at one time or another. Sometimes they learn from those mistakes. Other times, they return to those behaviors and cycle through failed relationship after failed relationship. Sometimes those behaviors become an addiction to love that may leave a person feeling unhappy, unfulfilled, lonely, or worse. Lesbian Love Addiction: Understanding the Urge to Merge and How to Heal When Things go Wrong makes visible the elements of love addiction that many lesbians suffer from.
Love addiction for lesbians comes in many forms. Some struggle by sexually acting out and others are serial relationship junkies, jumping from one relationship into the next. Some are addicted to the high of falling in love and once that wears off don’t know how to handle the day-to-day realities of a committed relationship. Some are even addicted to fantasy and intrigue, while others are love avoidants and sexual anorexics. Love avoidants may be able to get into a relationship but once they are fully committed, struggle with feeling smothered. Others may avoid intimate or sexual relationships all together, becoming sexually anorexic. Some may even vacillate between all of these. The underlying component and common denominator in all of these scenarios is the “Urge to Merge.”
Lesbian Love Addiction is designed to help ameliorate at least part of this problem. Lauren D. Costine offers insight for lesbians, bisexual women in relationships with women, queer women, and more specifically, any woman who loves women, as well as their family and friends, and health care professionals, into the psychology of lesbian love addiction. It will give those who struggle with and suffer from love addiction ways to understand, cope, and heal from this debilitating addiction. It will give those who work with this population new tools to use to do this more effectively. Mostly, it will help lesbians understand their relationship failures and how to heal from problems associated with them, so they may grow and cultivate happier, more fulfilling connections in the future.
LAUREN COSTINE, Ph.D. @drlaurencostine