The PromoHomo.TV® Programming Philosophy
I am committed to creating programming that includes, celebrates and empowers the diversity and intersectionality of everyone. In this spirit, I am taking responsibility to expand my world which has been primarily informed by the white male experience. As I continue to take responsibility for the expansion of my own consciousness (and therefore, programming), I invite you – in fact, I am relying on you – to reach out to me to share your experience, strength and hope, empowering me to empower you to share these vitally-important, lifesaving, world-changing true stories for the greatest good of all concerned.
PromoHomo.TV is “Connecting the Circuitry of Humanity” by “Creating Programming for LGBTQ+Everyone!”
If Nicholas Snow has reached out to you to invite you to appear as a guest, then your participation in The PromoHomo.TV® One Thousand is optional, although strongly encouraged.
If you have not received an invitation, but wish to pitch guests and story ideas, please review The PromoHomo.TV® One Thousand information below.
Thank you.

Who are The PromoHomo.TV® One Thousand?
The PromoHomo.TV® One Thousand are individuals (also known as the PromoHomo.TV® Superstars) who support Nicholas Snow’s multimedia entertainment activism by subscribing for as little as $3.00/month using the Patreon platform. When at least one thousand (The PromoHomo.TV® One Thousand) people have subscribed, Nicholas Snow will be able to leave the full-time job he depends to fund PromoHomo.TV®, and therefore devote all of his professional time and energy to this network.
Among the many exciting outcomes of recruiting The PromoHomo.TV® One Thousand is that Snow will be able to focus more on the Outinerary® series, which “spotlights out of this world travel experiences while being out IN this world.”
If I can afford to become on of The PromoHomo.TV® One Thousand and choose not to, may I still submit story ideas to PromoHomo.TV®?
No. If you can afford to support Nicholas Snow’s multimedia entertainment activism and choose not to, please do not submit story ideas to the network. He has plenty of supporters who are deserving of coverage.
If I CANNOT afford to become on of The PromoHomo.TV® One Thousand, may I still submit story ideas to PromoHomo.TV®?
Yes. The primary purpose of Nicholas Snow’s multimedia entertainment activism is making the world a better place for the LGBTQ+ community and its allies. If you cannot afford to support PromoHomo.TV® as described above, but have story ideas in keeping with the programming philosophy described above, please do so.
How do I become one of The PromoHomo.TV® One Thousand?
It’s easy. There are several levels with associated perks ranging from $3.00/month (you get a shout out on the show and a fabulous PromoHomo.TV® sticker), $10/month (your names goes in the closing credits), $25/month, $50/month and $100/month.
Just visit the link, choose the tier that’s right for you, and sign up! Nicholas Snow will contact you shortly thereafter.
Become of The PromoHomo.TV® One Thousand at

We have six separate series – described in detail below – which can accomodate a wide range of topics.
We love to cover all sorts of events, destinations and travel adventures, parades, protests, breaking news at various locations, and more. We can broadcast live, and/or shoot footage for use later. PromoHomo.TV is often a media sponsor of events, providing publicity before, during and/or after. We will continue these activities as pandemic public health safety protocols allow.
- On YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Linked In and at PromoHomo.TV®
- Episodes are promoted across these social media platforms in advance so viewers can opt-in for reminders when the broadcasts go live.
- Viewers may interact with programs utilizing the comment feature on the social media platform they’re viewing on, and from these comments, many are curated into live broadcasts for all viewers to see.
- Live and archival broadcasts may also be viewed in corresponding content areas of the website, PromoHomo.TV.
- On all platforms, the episodes remain available for on-demand viewing and sharing.
Guests are imported into our virtual studios from anywhere in the world using a computer with a great internet connection, or a mobile phone with a great data/internet connection, and a private episode-specific link to be provided to the guest(s) in advance.
Some episodes feature one-on-one interviews, while other episodes feature panels of guests. Technically, our virtual studio can accommodate multiple guests.
Check out our programming line-up below and follow the pitch instructions near the bottom of this page.

The Snowstorm is a hot topics show dedicated to SAVING DEMOCRACY, featuring a rotating panel of guests discussing the latest and hottest headlines! If you submit as a potential panelist for The Snowstorm, please include relevant links to videos and columns and other sources which showcase your commentary. Thanks! (There is no compensation available to panelists at this time, but all will be welcome to promote their current projects and social media platforms when appearing on the show).
The Nicholas Snow Show spotlights topics and conversations focused on expanding the consciousness of participants and viewers worldwide, both literally and philosophically “Connecting the Circuitry of Humanity.”
An important aspect of this series is to champion the LGBTQ+ civil rights movement on a global scale, regularly featuring guests who are at the forefront of the movement, highlighting their trials and triumps, and facilitating further calls to action. None of us are truly free until all of us are free.
While many episodes of The Nicholas Snow Show will be planned well in advance, protecting and evolving the world in which we live often demands immediate dissemination and discussion – and even calls to action – regarding important news of the day. Therefore, unscheduled Breaking News coverage is a vital aspect of The Nicholas Snow Show. All followers of @PromoHomoTV on various social networks are notified of Breaking News as we report it.

Orignially established by Nicholas Snow in 1990 as a syndicated column (to examine and strengthen the relationship between the entertainment industry and the LGBTQ+ Civil Rights Movement, thereby positively impacting the movement itself), Notes From Hollywood features “Reports & Profiles of People Passionately Pursuing Professions in the Entertainment Industry.”


Hot in Palm Springs spotlights news, views and profiles relevant to residents of and visitors to the City of Palm Springs and the Greater Coachella Valley.
Outinerary spotlights “Out In This World Travel.” Much of the world offers tourism where members of the LGBTQ+ community may be themselves, while in other places we may be at risk. In addition, virtually everyone loves to travel. This program let’s us know where we can have “out of this world experiences” while being out in this world.


HIGHRPOWRD features “Stories of Experience, Strength and Hope, Infusing Infinite Views of Spirituality and Purpose.” A key focus of this series is to “take recovery out of the closet,” giving people the opportunity to share their triumphant stories without identifying specific 12-step programs (in keeping with the traditions of those programs). Additionally, inspiring thought leaders from all walks of life are featured.

LIFE POSITIVE spotlights People Living With, Impacted by, and/or Working to Bring About The End of HIV/AIDS. Inspired by Nicholas Snow’s living-powerfully-with-HIV memoir, Life Positive: A Journey to the Center of my Heart, this series amplifes the voices of those who courageously step forward to yield their life force in service to humanity.
Nicholas Snow produced Tinseltown’s Queer throughout most of the 1990’s in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area on multiple public access television stations, reaching up to 600,000 households on a regular basis. These historic vintage episodes are being digitized for PromoHomo.TV’s global audience, and will ultimately be donated to the One Archives at the USC Libraries.

Steps for Submitting Potential Guests
If you are interested in submitting story ideas and potential guests to PromoHomo.TV, please take the following steps:
- Make sure the proposed guest has the technical capability to connect to our virutal studios. Visit this link for details.
- Review the program descriptions above to determine which of our series is the best match for your proposed guest.
- Contact us at the with your pitch at the link at the bottom of this page, and please include:
- Which of our shows do you think the guest is the best fit for?
- Basic information about the guest (press release, bio, etc.)
- Revelant links pertaining to the proposed guest (official website, videos)
- The proposed guest or guest’s official handles on Instagram and Twitter
I will follow-up with you in a timely fashion. If selected, the guest will have an opporutnity to pick from openings in our online broadcast scheduling system.
With love and gratitude, I thank you in advance for your participation and support.
Nicholas Snow, Producer/Host