RECOVERY COMES OUT OF THE CLOSET: Ken Seeley of Intervention911 & A&E’s Intervention

RECOVERY COMES OUT OF THE CLOSET: Ken Seeley of Intervention911 & A&E’s Intervention
Ken Seeley, Founder/Interventionist at Intervention911- widely known from the riveting TV show Intervention – joins #HIGHRPOWRD to talk about the need shine a brighter spotlight on recovery options available to those who are suffering from drug, alcohol and other addictions and co-addictions. He also shares his Experience, Strength and Hope as it relates to his own recovery journey.

Ken is a Certified Case Manager Interventionist, Certified Intervention Professional, Certified Trauma Professional, and Certified Addiction Treatment Counselor. Today, Ken still derives the greatest personal satisfaction from the hundreds of interventions he has conducted, organized, and facilitated through Intervention 911.

#HIGHRPOWRD on PromoHomo.TV is “Taking Recovery Out of the Closet” by spotlighting “Stories of Experience, Strength and Hope, Infused with Infinite Views of Spirituality and Purpose.” (People in 12-step programs are encouraged NOT to name those specific programs, in keeping with the traditions of those programs).

#HIGHRPOWRD #PromoHomoTV @ILoveGay @KenSeeley #KenSeeley #Intervention #intervention011 @AETV

About The Author

Nicholas Snow

Nicholas Snow, Producer/Host of PromoHomo.TV®, is “Connecting the Circuitry of Humanity” by "Creating Programming for LGBTQ+Everyone!”

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RECOVERY COMES OUT OF THE CLOSET: Ken Seeley of Intervention911 & A&E’s Intervention
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