Red Carpet Interviews from the L-Fund’s Luck be a Lady Gala 2025 | A PromoHomo.TV® Exclusive

Red Carpet Interviews from the L-Fund’s Luck be a Lady Gala 2025 | A PromoHomo.TV® Exclusive

As explained on their website, “Since 2012, The L-Fund has provided emergency financial assistance to cis, trans, and queer identifying lesbians in crisis across the Coachella Valley and surrounding areas. Wanting to help beyond emergencies, financial support has expanded to include education assistance, health and wellness aid, and assistance for lesbian artists. Founded by lesbians for lesbians, we work closely with the community at large to improve the lives of our sisters.”

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About The Author

Nicholas Snow

Nicholas Snow, Producer/Host of PromoHomo.TV®, is “Connecting the Circuitry of Humanity” by "Creating Programming for LGBTQ+Everyone!”

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Red Carpet Interviews from the L-Fund’s Luck be a Lady Gala 2025 | A PromoHomo.TV® Exclusive
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