Earlier this year, DAP Health (formerly Desert AIDS Project) announced its new name and the expansion of its role in public health and health equity. In this episode of The Nicholas Snow Show on PromoHomo.TV®, Snow is honored to welcome CEO David Brinkman who has been leading this evolution.

As announced by DAP Health in January 2021:
The name DAP Health more clearly conveys our commitment to the greater good and the diversity of over 8,000 people calling DAP Health their healthcare home. It also retains and honors our founding, with the letters DAP.
For the first time in our 36-year history, we are changing how the community identifies us, a move that will amplify our mission and values as the COVID crisis makes health equity more important than ever.

Adds Brinkman, “Our patient-centered model of care promises patients that we are there for them, regardless of economic or HIV status,” said David Brinkman, CEO, DAP Health. “This name change will help the public identify DAP as an advocacy-based health center with the capacity and heart to meet our ongoing public healthcare needs.”
The change came after months of internal and external surveys, focus groups, and conversations with thousands of patients, staff, donors, volunteers, and community leaders.
“We heard the community clearly when they told us that it was time for a name change, but the history of DAP should not be forgotten in the process,” explains Brinkman. “This insight was key to keeping ‘DAP’ in our new name, allowing us to step boldly into the future while honoring our past.”
DAP Health has plans to unveil two new spaces inside The Barbara Keller Love Building in 2021 that honor its 36-year history and the community members who built the organization.
In this episode we explore:
- A History Worth Remembering
- DAP Health’s Plans for 2021 and Beyond
- How Hope Begins with Health
Watch. Listen. Be Inspired. On this episode of The Nicholas Snow Show.
About DAP Health
DAP Health (DAP) is an advocacy-based health center in Palm Springs, CA serving over 9,700 patients, offering medical and mental healthcare, STI testing and treatment, dentistry, pharmacy, and lab. A variety of wraparound services enable patients to experience optimal health, including social services, support groups, alternative therapies, and other wellness services. Excellent HIV care is provided by the largest team of specialized clinicians in the area.
DAP opened one of California’s first COVID clinic and hotlines to offer screening, testing, and treatment. DAP is also working to address social determinants of health that are causing negative health outcomes during this pandemic, like food and housing insecurity, joblessness, isolation, and access to ongoing healthcare.
DAP’s sexual health clinic offers STI testing and treatment, Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), and HIV and HCV testing. DAP has earned Charity Navigator’s highest rating for the twelfth consecutive year – landing DAP in the top 6% of nonprofits rated. The distinction recognizes that DAP exceeds industry standards in terms of financial health, accountability, and transparency.
DAP Health is a long-term supporter of PromoHomo.TV, but this episode is NOT advertorial (there is NO advertorial on PromoHomo.TV). As a grateful client of DAP Health, Nicholas Snow is always honored to celebrate the agency’s vital, lifesaving work.