Adrian Christian – most known as a singer/songwriter – is wearing his activist hat in leading an effort to bring about a National COVID-19 Testing Day. On this episode of The Nicholas Snow Show on PromoHomo.TV, we learn more about Christian’s petition drive on the Change.org platform. Sign the petition at this link.
“With the (Coronavirus) COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States on the rise, one death is too many…” says Christian. “We are outraged by our government’s lack of response, their distractions and misinformation. We are calling for our governors to assemble and gather for a national strategy to implement a National Testing Day for COVID-19.”
Christian is calling for concerned citizens to “help us take action on a more aggressive approach to testing. By implementing a target date for testing nationwide, we will be able to contain people with Coronavirus and bring our country up and running again. We are starting contact with every U.S. Governor to implement a target as early as possible.”
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