Kristel Why explains, “SAD BUT RAD CLUB is a movement to destigmatize the struggles many of us have with our mental health. It is a reminder that we hold value as human beings even when we’re depressed, anxious, obsessive, manic, lonely. SAD BUT RAD CLUB is an anthem that declares we are perfect as we are and will be equally perfect when we become who we want to be.”
“When we think about healing, there is a lot of focus on starting your journey and its end result, but not a lot is celebrated about the stuff in between. The messy stuff. The stuff that is non-linear and frustrating,” explains SAD BUT RAD CLUBS creator Why. “So here I am, working on ‘the stuff’ and creating videos about it so we can destigmatize discussions about mental health and wellness and just be ourselves, no matter what we’re experiencing in life.”

Kristel Why (she/they) received her Bachelor of Arts from George Washington University and holds a Marketing Certificate from Santa Monica College. She is currently enrolled at California Southern University in their MA in Psychology program.
Why is the Creative and Editorial Director at a production company in the adult industry and also runs her own boutique marketing firm, Ikigai Marketing.
In 2020, Why started Sad But Rad Club, a project to change the narrative of mental health. She is also the 2021 XBIZ Industry Exec “Community Figure of the Year” Award winner.
She is a published author whose essay is included in Dan Savage’s best-selling book, It Gets Better: Coming Out, Overcoming Bullying, and Creating a Life Worth Living. She is also featured in Dave Naz’s book, Genderqueer and Other Gender Identities and appears in Naz’s book, Identity: In & Beyond the Binary.
On this episode of The Nicholas Snow Show on PromoHomo.TV®,
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