The Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is observed annually on November 20 as a day to memorialize those who have been murdered because of transphobia and hate and draw attention to the continued violence endured by transgender and nonbinary individuals.
TDOR observances are happening around the world, and PromoHomo.TV® is honored to bring one of them – organized by Queer Works – to you live from the patio at Oscar’s Palm Springs (Saturday, November 20, 2021 – 5:30 – 7:30 PST).
Explains TDOR founder Gwendolyn Ann Smith (as quoted by, “Transgender Day of Remembrance seeks to highlight the losses we face due to anti-transgender bigotry and violence. I am no stranger to the need to fight for our rights, and the right to simply exist is first and foremost. With so many seeking to erase transgender people — sometimes in the most brutal ways possible — it is vitally important that those we lose are remembered, and that we continue to fight for justice.”
Queer works is a 501c (3) organization with headquarters in the Coachella Valley. Their mission is to ameliorate disparities faced by transgender, gender non-binary and intersex people as well as help reduce similar disparities among lesbian, gay and bisexual communities.
Queer Works was founded and developed by licensed mental health clinicians who received specialized training in LGBTQ+ affirmative therapy. The team is made up of licensed clinicians, past non-profit volunteers and founders, intern clinicians and LGBTQ+ community members who have experienced their mental health challenges. The team knows first-hand why affordable, affirmative and accessible psychotherapy is important to the community.
Community Partners collaborating for this TDOR observance are Borrego Health, The Coachella Valley Independent, DAP Health, Jewish Family Services, Michael’s House, Oscar’s of Palm Springs, PromoHomo.TV®, KGAY 106.5 Palm Springs, Gay Desert Guide, Rainbow Youth Pride Alliance, The LGBT Community Center of the Desert (The Center), and The Trans Community Project.

Nicholas Snow has been a supporter of other Transgender Day Observances for years, and wants you to know about them as well….

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