The Great Political Divide: Can we come back from Trump’s destruction of civility?

The Great Political Divide: Can we come back from Trump’s destruction of civility?

A recent meme posted to Nicholas Snow’s public Facebook page featuring a photo of E. Jean Carroll with the text, “I just grabbed him by the wallet!”, has garnered at the time of this announcement 861 likes, laughs and hearts, approaching 400 comments and over 200 shares. Within the comments thread the discourse is far from civil, with the polarization of American politics on full display. Nicholas Snow believes Trump is to blame for the complete breakdown of civility in our country.

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IS there a way we can have intelligent conversations with people who disagree with us? We’ll test it out. on this episode of The Snowstorm as we mix up the panel a bit. Watch LIVE and we’ll curate your comments into the broadcast.


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About The Author

Nicholas Snow

Nicholas Snow, Producer/Host of PromoHomo.TV®, is “Connecting the Circuitry of Humanity” by "Creating Programming for LGBTQ+Everyone!”

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The Great Political Divide: Can we come back from Trump’s destruction of civility?
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