The Snowstorm
Amplifying Voices of the RestanceWith so much on the line in our world today, Nicholas Snow has launched The Snowstorm, a live, interative hot topics broadcast that can hit at any moment, featuring conversations focused on expanding the consciousness of participants and viewers worldwide, elevating awareness of important issues, and identifying next steps we can all take because our lives are at risk. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to be part of the conversation at (Visit this link for information on pitching guests).
The Official 2024 Palm Springs Pride Parade Broadcast on PromoHomo.TV®
Nicholas Snow Productions, LLC, a leading force in LGBTQ+ media, as thrilled to present the live, global streaming of the Palm Springs Pride Parade. This exciting event was broadcast on PromoHomo.TV®'s website ( www.PromoHomo.TV ) and YouTube channel (...
W.H.O. declares isolation and loneliness a global pandemic: A Hopefulsexual™ Special Report
This is one of those topics Nicholas Snow wishes didn’t even exist, but since it does, let’s look for ways through!
Dr. Sean Ferri, PsyD is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, currently serves as the Senior Manger, Clinical Support and Clinical Psychologist at the LGBTQ Community Center of the Desert in Palm Springs
“Secrets and Intimacies/Dating and Relationships”… a Hopefulsexual™ Special Report
Producer/Host Nicholas Snow welcomes guest expert Dr. Dennis Sapire, a sought-after Clinical Health Psychologist and Clinical Sexologist with a PhD from the California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University.
Learn why “America is in an abusive relationship” …The Snowstorm!
With ballots already in the mail, and just weeks before the November 5th, 2024 election, In this episode of The Snowstorm, Nicholas Snow and Joy Silver discuss the fact that “America is in an abusive relationship.”
Only Ten Weeks Left to Protect Freedom and Save the United States of America: Let’s Win This!
Nicholas Snow and Joy Silver return for this episode of The Snowstorm at which time there are only ten weeks left to PROTECT FREEDOM and save the United States of America.
Tinseltown’s Queer: 30 Years Later (A sneak peak at the complete documentary about Nicholas Snow’s historic public access television show)
Long before Will & Grace, Brokeback Mountain, Queer Eye or RuPaul, there was Nicholas Snow and Tinseltown’s Queer. In preparation for the 30th Anniversary of Nicholas Snow’s ground-breaking public access television show, Tinseltown’s Queer, he accidentally made this documentary featuring iconic archival television clips of some of Hollywood’s biggest stars, as well as champions of the LGBTQ+ civil rights movement.
Harris vs. Trump: When the prosecutor meets the perpetrator
Nicholas Snow and Joy Silver return for this episode of The Snowstorm in which we all breathe a collective sigh of relief while rising up to the challenges before us in protecting democracy.
2024 When Worlds Collide: Debate Losses and Wins | The Snowstorm | PromoHomo.TV®
Returning to co-host is political warrior Joy Silver who this year won her race for the Riverside County Democratic Party Central Committee representing the 47th Assembly District. Silver s currently the Riverside County Democratic Party Chair, a founder of the activist group Courageous Resistance-Indivisible of the Desert, and former Vice President of Democratic Women of the Desert.
Desert Stonewall Democrats: Advancing Equal Rights for All People. Watch. Listen. Be inspired.
On this episode of The Snowstorm, Producer/Host Nicholas Snow welcomes members and supports of Desert Stonewall Democrats. Their mission in their words:K “We are devoted to advancing equal rights for all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.”
Happy Pride Month, Coachella Valley! The Big Gay BBQ is back June 7th & 8th
Returning to The Snowstorm is Palm Springs Pride President (and Palm Springs Mayor Pro Tem) Ron deHarte to talk about the second annual Big Gay BBQ, a benefit to keep Palm Springs Pride FREE! The Big Gay BBQ takes place June 7 and 8 – Arenas District, 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM with the theme, BE HAPPY. LOVE ALL.