“This is not a movie. This is real life,” explains Multimedia Entertainment Activist Nicholas Snow, creator of PromoHomo.TV®, an online television network. He continues, “Democracy is being marched toward the gallows and the great American experiment may be lost forever. Republicans, Democrats and Independents are uniting against Trump. We must. The task before us until November 5, 2024, and beyond is to protect Democracy. The Snowstorm, which is destined to be the quintessential LGBTQ+ Sunday Show, is here to help.”
Similar to your favorite political Sunday show on your favorite television network, The Snowstorm takes on the hottest headlines of the day, but goes one step further. The show and its creators take a position. “We are unapologetically advocating to defeat Trump, prevent authoritarian rule, and save democracy,” states Snow.
Returning to co-host is political warrior Joy Silver who this year won her race for the Riverside County Democratic Party Central Committee representing the 47th Assembly District. Silver s currently the Riverside County Democratic Party Chair, a founder of the activist group Courageous Resistance-Indivisible of the Desert, and former Vice President of Democratic Women of the Desert.
Silver was the host of a radio show and podcast OutSpoken, with producer John McMulen. Additionally, she ran as the CA State Party endorsed Candidate for State Senate in 2018, where the GOP candidate only won by 3%. She currently serves as the Chief Strategy Officer and Regional Director, Southern California for Community Housing Opportunities Corporation. CHOC is an affordable housing developer that has delivered needed services to thousands of low-income individuals and families and is headquartered in Fairfield, California and Palm Springs, CA.
Past episodes of The Snowstorm are available for on-demand streaming at www.PromoHomo.TV and at www.YouTube.com/PromoHomoTVNetwork including but not limited to;
– The Reich is All Wrong: How We Win Against Racism
– As the Trump Trials rage on, we learn “Catch and Kill” is NOT Journalism
– Joy Silver Warns Against Authoritarianism: Project 2025 Explained
– American Horror Story: The MAGA Cult Seeks to Destroy Democracy
– Dictator or Democracy: This is the choice. (Wake up, people!)
– The IBIS Institute: Helping LGBT+ Candidates to Win
– Desert Stonewall Democrats: Advancing Equal Rights for All People
– Democracy vs. Autocracy: What’s at stake between now and the November Presidential Election.

How, exactly, is Snow accomplishing all of this?
For now, all the series are produced and hosted by Snow, but as the network grows, his vision is to lead a large creative team and perhaps collaborate with a major television network. Think Netflix.
Just as other Creators use crowdfunding platforms to support their film and television projects, Snow encourages viewers to become one of “The PromoHomo.TV® One Thousand”, folks who voluntarily subscribe to the free content for as little as $3.00/month via the Patreon platform.
“I support PromoHomo.TV® because we live in a time of increased hostility towards the LGBTQ+ community,” explains Robert Karl, Queer author. “Representation is more vital than ever, and PromoHomo.TV® amplifies Queer voices, promotes positive stories, and stands strong against those who attack us. PromoHomo.TV promotes the Queer community.”
Join Karl and about 30 other folks to grow The PromoHomo.TV® One Thousand at www.Patreon.com/PromoHomoTV.
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- Become a voluntary subscriber (called the PromoHomo.TV® Superstars) for as little as $3.00/month (or join at the FREE MEMBERSHIP LEVEL). Sign up at www.Patreon.com/PromoHomoTV
- Follow Snow on TikTok, X, Instagram, Tribel and Threads: @PromoHomoTV
- Listen to “The Snowstorm” wherever you get your podcasts
- Get your Hopefulsexual® t-shirts, tanks, sweatshirts, hoodies and baseball shirts at www.Hopefulsexual.com (a shortcut to the products on Amazon)
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