In the season premiere of The Nicholas Snow Show on PromHomo.TV®…

With decades of experience observing, reporting about, and living in the world with a uniquely trained journalistic perspective, it’s no wonder Wyatt O’Brian Evans has been referred to as “the quintessential Renaissance man.” Yes, he earned not one, but two Bachelor of Arts degrees – in journalism and political science – from George Washington University.

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Wyatt is the founder, editor-in-chief, and writer of, a leading online news, features, commentary, and entertainment media outlet for the LGBTQ Community and its allies. His work has been featured in print and online media outlets including the Advocate, Huffington Post, Washington Post, The Gay Male Journal, Baltimore Gay Life, Bilerico, Washington Blade, and BaltimoreOUTloud.

A radio personality, Wyatt examines and tackles critical issues that resonate with and impact the LGBTQ Community– particularly Gay/SGL (Same-gender-loving) men. His latest eponymous podcast is entitled, “WYATT!

Mr. Evans is also a voice-over (V/O) instructor and talent. As an instructor, he develops students (one-on-one and groups) into polished, professional voice talents. And as a V/O talent, Wyatt performs radio spots, narrations, and educational vehicles. Narrations for former Secretary of State Colin Powell’s “America’s Promise” organization is his most cherished accomplishment in the field.

Wyatt is the author of the groundbreaking “Nothing Can Tear Us Apart” (ethnic, masculine romance) series of novels; Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse, which is domestic violence and abuse within the LGBTQ community, is its overarching theme. “FRENZY!” is the latest installment in the series.

As a journalist and Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse Subject Matter Expert (SME), Mr. Evans has researched, reported on, and written about this demoralizing, destructive, and potentially life-threatening cycle of abuse. IPV/A is domestic violence and abuse within the LGBTQ Community.

And as an IPV/A SME, advocate, speaker, and survivor, Mr. Evans’s continuing mission is to shine a bright light on this abusive behavior through awareness and education. He is LGBTQ Community Chair of the National Trauma Education and Policy Board. This organization’s mission is to increase awareness and educate the public about the impact and consequences of trauma in all of its forms, thereby helping to shape policy.

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